Eric’s Games

Here is my game collection. You can see it sorted by rating at Board Game Geek.

Here is what I played recently.


  1. Acquire (1999 Avalon Hill/Hasbro edition).
  2. Adventure Games: The Dungeon, Monochrome Inc., and The Volcanic Island.
  3. The Adventurers: The Temple of Chac (condensed rules).
  4. Aladdin’s Dragons (Morgenland) (condensed rules).
  5. Alchemists and The King’s Golem expansion set (deduction and debunking aid).
  6. Architects of the West Kingdom.
  7. Attika.
  8. Auf Heller und Pfennig (original of Kingdoms).
  9. Automobiles.
  10. Backgammon.
  11. Balloon Cup.
  12. Barcelona.
  13. Beowulf: The Legend.
  14. Black Angel.
  15. Blue Moon, Hoax-Vulca base set.
  16. Boonlake.
  17. Bridges of Shangri-La.
  18. Buffy im Bann der Dämonen: Gefahr über Sunnydale (Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Danger in Sunnydale) (English rules).
  19. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Game (condensed rules).
  20. Caesar and Cleopatra.
  21. Calimala (plus Kickstarter Deluxe Edition expected 2025-03).
  22. Can’t Stop.
  23. Cartagena 2: The Pirate’s Nest.
  24. Castles of Mad King Ludwig.
  25. Caylus.
  26. Caylus 1303.
  27. Celtae.
  28. Chimera Station (condensed rules).
  29. China.
  30. Cleopatra and the Society of Architects.
  31. Cloud 9 (party game).
  32. CO2 (condensed rules).
  33. Coal Baron.
  34. Coal Baron: The Great Card Game.
  35. Coda (The Game of Coda).
  36. Coloma (condensed rules).
  37. Coloretto (condensed rules).
  38. Copycat.
  39. Cribbage.
  40. Daytona 500 (original of Detroit-Cleveland Grand Prix).
  41. Detroit-Cleveland Grand Prix (variant of Daytona 500).
  42. Dom Pierre.
  43. Dominion.
  44. Drahtseilakt (Tightrope, original of Relationship Tightrope).
  45. Durch die Wüste (Through the Desert).
  46. Edel, Stein & Reich (relative of Basari).
  47. Egizia (condensed rules).
  48. Egizia: Shifting Sands (condensed rules).
  49. Eketorp.
  50. El Grande.
  51. En Garde (condensed rules).
  52. Escape: The Curse of the Temple.
  53. Evacuation.
  54. Evo first edition (2001) (condensed rules).
  55. Evo second edition (2011) (condensed rules).
  56. Express.
  57. Family Business (party game).
  58. Federation (Deluxe Edition).
  59. The Field of the Cloth of Gold.
  60. Fiji (condensed rules).
  61. Finca.
  62. For Sale.
  63. Fresco (Fresko) (condensed rules).
  64. Fresh Fish (Frisch Fisch) (condensed rules).
  65. From the Moon.
  66. Fromage.
  67. Fuji Koro Deluxe (condensed rules).
  68. Funkenschlag: EnBW-Edition (Power Grid EnBW-Edition) (condensed rules).
  69. Furnace.
  70. Fürstenfeld (condensed rules).
  71. Galaxy Trucker.
  72. Ginkgopolis.
  73. Grand Cru.
  74. Great Western Trail (Second Edition).
  75. The Great Zimbabwe (condensed rules).
  76. Gùgōng.
  77. Gutenberg.
  78. Hansa Teutonica (condensed rules).
  79. Hare & Tortoise (variant of Hase und Igel).
  80. Hase und Igel (original of Hare & Tortoise).
  81. Haus der Sonne (Haleakala) (condensed rules).
  82. Hive.
  83. How to Save a World (Kickstarter, expected 2025-06).
  84. Ierusalem: Anno Domini (condensed rules).
  85. Iki: A Game of Edo Artisans (condensed rules).
  86. In the Hall of the Mountain King.
  87. Isaac Asimov’s Robots VCR Mystery Game (party game).
  88. Istanbul.
  89. Jaipur.
  90. Jamaica (condensed rules).
  91. Jórvík (condensed rules).
  92. Kingdomino.
  93. Kutná Hora: The City of Silver.
  94. Land Unter (Turn the Tide).
  95. League of Six.
  96. Little Alchemists.
  97. Legacy: Gears of Time with Kickstarter Backer Promo Card, Mini-Expansion, and Custom Influence Pool (condensed rules).
  98. Loop, Inc.
  99. Lost Cities.
  100. Lost Cities: The Board Game.
  101. Lost Ruins of Arnak.
  102. Lowlands.
  103. Löwenherz (Lionheart, original of Domaine) (condensed rules).
  104. Magnum Sal (condensed rules) and Muria expansion (condensed rules).
  105. “Manchukuo” (Kickstarter, overdue, stalled).
  106. The Manhattan Project (with Second Stage set of expansions and Nations expansion).
  107. Marco Polo Expedition.
  108. Mauer, Die (The Wall).
  109. Medici.
  110. Medici vs. Strozzi.
  111. Memory, in the form of Ulmer City Memory and City-Memo Ulm.
  112. Mississippi Queen.
  113. Modern Art.
  114. Money!
  115. Montgolfiere.
  116. Müll + Money (Industrial Waste) (condensed rules).
  117. My Father’s Work.
  118. Mykerinos (condensed rules).
  119. New England.
  120. Niagara (condensed rules).
  121. Nieuw Amsterdam.
  122. Nightshift Collector’s Edition (Kickstarter expected 2025-04).
  123. No Merci (Geschenkt, No Thanks!).
  124. Notre Dame (condensed rules).
  125. Nusfjord.
  126. Obsession (condensed rules).
  127. Oceans.
  128. Olympos.
  129. Paris (condensed rules).
  130. Paris, Paris.
  131. Piece o’ Cake (...aber bitte mit Sahne).
  132. Pirate’s Cove (Piratenbucht).
  133. Point Salad (condensed rules).
  134. Power Grid (condensed rules), Benelux/Central Europe (condensed rules), and The New Power Plant Cards.
  135. Power Grid Deluxe: Europe/North America (condensed rules).
  136. Princes of Florence (condensed rules).
  137. Puerto Rico.
  138. Quandary (Flinke Pinke).
  139. Quoridor (abstract strategy).
  140. Ra (1999 Rio Grande/Alea, 2005 Überplay, and 2022 25th Century Games deluxe editions).
  141. Raiders of the North Sea.
  142. Raising Robots with Pets expansion.
  143. Rajas of the Ganges.
  144. Rebirth.
  145. Resafa.
  146. The Resistance.
  147. Resurgence.
  148. Rokoko (Rococo) and Rococo: Deluxe Edition.
  149. Roll Through the Ages: The Bronze Age.
  150. Sabotage.
  151. Sail to India (condensed rules).
  152. Saltfjord (preordered).
  153. Samurai (Rio Grande 1998 and Fantasy Flight 2015 editions) (condensed rules for 1998 and 2015).
  154. San Francisco Cable Car (variant of Metro).
  155. San Marco.
  156. Santiago de Cuba.
  157. Schotten-Totten (original of Battle Line).
  158. Scoville.
  159. The Search for Planet X.
  160. Set (party game).
  161. Shakespeare and Backstage expansion (condensed rules).
  162. Sol: Last Days of a Star (condensed rules).
  163. Space Base.
  164. Space Station Phoenix (condensed rules).
  165. Spaceteam.
  166. Star Trek Expeditions.
  167. Stone Age and Stone Age: Anniversary.
  168. Stonehenge (Megalith).
  169. Suburbia.
  170. Sushi Go!
  171. Taj Mahal (condensed rules).
  172. Take Six.
  173. Takenoko.
  174. Targi.
  175. The Taverns of Tiefenthal.
  176. Tempus.
  177. That’s Life! (Verflixxt!).
  178. Thurn and Taxis.
  179. Ticket to Ride: 10th Anniversary.
  180. Ticket to Ride: Europe.
  181. Ticket to Ride: Märklin.
  182. Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries.
  183. Tigris and Euphrates (Euphrat & Tigris) (condensed rules).
  184. Time ’n’ Space (condensed rules) (rework of Space Dealer).
  185. Tobago.
  186. Tragedy Looper and Midnight Circle (expansion set 1).
  187. Trains (condensed rules).
  188. Tutanchamun (Tutankhamen).
  189. Tzolk’in: The Mayan Calendar.
  190. Ulm (condensed rules).
  191. Union Pacific.
  192. Uno.
  193. Vikings (Wikinger).
  194. Wallenstein (condensed rules).
  195. Whistle Mountain.
  196. The White Castle.
  197. Wits & Wagers (party game).
  198. Wizard.
  199. Yellow & Yangtze (condensed rules).
  200. Yokohama Deluxified.
  201. Yspahan.
  202. Yunnan (Argtentum 2013 and Spielworxx 2023 editions) (condensed rules for 2013 and 2023).

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© Copyright 2005 by Eric Postpischil.