Eric’s Former Games

Here are games that were formerly in my collection.

Formerly In My Collection

  1. 7 Wonders.
  2. 15 Days.
  3. 25 Words or Less (2000 edition) (party game).
  4. 25 Words or Less (Winning Moves First edition) (party game).
  5. 504.
  6. Abalone with red extra-player marbles (abstract strategy).
  7. Abalone, travel size.
  8. Above and Below.
  9. Ad Acta.
  10. Adel Verpflichtet (By Hook or Crook, Fair Means or Foul, Hoity Toity).
  11. Adrenaline.
  12. Adventure Games: The Grand Hotel Abaddon.
  13. Alhambra.
  14. Allerley Spielerey.
  15. Altiplano.
  16. Am Fuß des Kilimandscharo.
  17. Amun-Re.
  18. The Ancient World.
  19. Andromeda.
  20. Anomia (party game).
  21. Apotheca: The Secret Potion Society.
  22. Apples to Apples, and expansion sets 1 and 2 (party game).
  23. Aqua Romana.
  24. Arkadia.
  25. Ars Mysteriorum.
  26. Asara.
  27. Assyria.
  28. Atta Ants and expansions 1 and 2.
  29. Attacke.
  30. Attribute.
  31. Auf Achse (On Axis).
  32. Barony.
  33. Battle Line (Schotten-Totten).
  34. Battlestar Galactica: The Board Game.
  35. Beer & Bread.
  36. Best Treehouse Ever.
  37. Billabong.
  38. Black Fleet.
  39. Black Sheep.
  40. Blue Lagoon.
  41. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Board Game (2000, Susan Prescot Games).
  42. Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Board Game (2016, Jasco Games).
  43. Buffy the Vampire Slayer CCG.
  44. Bugs in the Kitchen (children’s game).
  45. Bus.
  46. Café International.
  47. Call My Bluff (Liar’s Dice, Perudo, Bluff, Pirate’s Dice).
  48. Capital Punishment.
  49. Captain Sonar.
  50. Captivation.
  51. Carabande and Carabande Action Set.
  52. Carcassonne.
  53. Carcassonne: The Castle.
  54. Carolus Magnus.
  55. Cartagena.
  56. Carthago.
  57. Castle For All Seasons, A (Im Schutze der Burg).
  58. Cat Lady.
  59. Catch Phrase (party game).
  60. Catena.
  61. Char.
  62. Charterstone.
  63. Château Roquefort (Burg Appenzell).
  64. Chess.
  65. Checkers.
  66. Chocolate Factory.
  67. Chocolatl.
  68. Chrononauts.
  69. Chung Toi.
  70. Clans.
  71. Clue.
  72. Codenames (party game).
  73. Coin Age.
  74. Coin & Crown.
  75. Coldwater Crown with Jetsam Promo Pack.
  76. Complica.
  77. Condottiere.
  78. Cosmic Coasters.
  79. Cosmic Wimpout.
  80. Council of 4.
  81. The Crew: The Quest for Planet Nine.
  82. Cuba.
  83. Cube Checkers (abstract strategy).
  84. Damage Report.
  85. Dark Side.
  86. Dead Man’s Treasure (Der Schatz des Käpt’n Flint).
  87. Deep Sea Adventure.
  88. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead, original of Four Dragons).
  89. Diabolo.
  90. Digging (original of Desperados).
  91. Dilbert Corporate Shuffle (variant of Great Dalmuti).
  92. Discover India.
  93. Dog Park.
  94. Domaine (variant of Löwenherz).
  95. Dominoes, double-nine.
  96. Dominoes, travel size.
  97. Dos Rios: Valley of the Two Rivers.
  98. Doughnut Drive-Thru.
  99. Dracheninsel, Die (The Dragon Island). (Condensed rules.)
  100. Dragonland.
  101. Dragon Valley: Rise of Corundia.
  102. Drunter und Druber (Topsy-Turvy, reprinter as Wacky Wacky West).
  103. Dutch Mountains.
  104. DVONN.
  105. Easy Come, Easy Go.
  106. Einfach Genial (Ingenious).
  107. Eiyo.
  108. El Caballero.
  109. Equate.
  110. Escalation! The Suburban Wars.
  111. Evolution.
  112. Evolution: Climate (with Flight and Promo Pack III).
  113. Ex Libris (condensed rules).
  114. Expedition.
  115. Experiment.
  116. Explorers of the North Sea.
  117. Exxtra.
  118. Fall of the Mountain King (Kickstarter Edition) (condensed rules).
  119. Fast Flowing Forest Fellers (Flußfieber).
  120. Fearsome Floors.
  121. Felinia.
  122. Ferkelei.
  123. Figaro.
  124. Fische Fluppen Frikadellen (version B, ball/cylinder).
  125. Fish Eat Fish.
  126. Fjords.
  127. Flamme Rouge.
  128. Flaschenteufel (Bottle Devil or Bottle Imp).
  129. Focus.
  130. Formula Dé, and tracks 13+14.
  131. Francis Drake.
  132. Frank’s Zoo.
  133. Free Parking.
  134. Free Ride.
  135. Freibeuter.
  136. Friday.
  137. Frog Juice.
  138. Funfair.
  139. Fürchterliche Feinde (Formidable Foes).
  140. Futuropia.
  141. Galaxy Trucker: Anniversary Edition.
  142. Game Election (game selection game).
  143. Genesis.
  144. Genotype with Collector’s Edition Components.
  145. Gheos.
  146. GIPF/TAMSK game kit.
  147. GIPF.
  148. Gods Love Dinosaurs.
  149. Goldland.
  150. Goldrausch (Gold Frenzy, a.k.a. Gold Digger).
  151. Golems.
  152. GPS.
  153. Grand Prix (a.k.a. Jumbo Grand Prix).
  154. The Great Fire of London 1666.
  155. Great Dalmuti (party game).
  156. Great Western Trail.
  157. The Grimm Forest.
  158. Groves.
  159. Guru.
  160. Halunken und Spelunken.
  161. The Hanging Gardens.
  162. Hansa.
  163. Harvest.
  164. Havana (Havana).
  165. Heimlich & Co. (Under Cover) (condensed rules).
  166. Hellas.
  167. Helios.
  168. HellRail: second perdition.
  169. Hera and Zeus.
  170. Herr der Ringe: die Gefährten, das Kartenspiel (Lord of the Rings: Companions, the Card Game).
  171. Hexentanz (Magic Dance).
  172. Hey! That’s My Fish! (Pingvinas).
  173. High Society.
  174. Hong Kong.
  175. Honeybears (Die Honigbären, Bucket Brigade).
  176. Hornochsen (Take 5!).
  177. Hunt for the Ring.
  178. Imhotep.
  179. Industry.
  180. Inis.
  181. Inkognito: The Card Game.
  182. It’s Mine!
  183. Ivanhoe: The Age of Chivalry.
  184. Jambo.
  185. Java.
  186. Jenga.
  187. Jump Gate.
  188. Kahuna (Arabana-Ikibiti).
  189. Karuba.
  190. Katzenjammer Blues.
  191. Kensington.
  192. Khronos.
  193. King Chocolate.
  194. The King is Dead: Second Edition.
  195. Kingdoms (Auf Heller Und Pfennig).
  196. Kuhhandel (Cow Trading, You’re Bluffing).
  197. KrimsKrams Flohmarkt-Spiel.
  198. Kuba.
  199. Legacy: Forbidden Machines (Legacy: Gears of Time expansion), and Forbidden Machines—Deep Vault.
  200. Legends of Andor.
  201. Leo muss zum Friseur (children’s game).
  202. Letzte Paradies, Das (The Last Paradise).
  203. Lifeboats (Seenot im Rettungsboot [Emergency in Lifeboats], Rette Sich Wer Kann [Each Man for Himself]).
  204. Ligretto (Dutch Blitz).
  205. London.
  206. Loopin’ Louie (Looping Louie) (children’s game).
  207. Loot (Pirat).
  208. Looting London.
  209. Lord of the Rings.
  210. Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation.
  211. Lotus.
  212. Macao.
  213. Macher, Die (The Man of Action).
  214. Magalon.
  215. Magic Maze.
  216. Magier von Pangea, Die (The Magicians of Pangea).
  217. Maharaja.
  218. Manhattan.
  219. The Manhattan Project: Energy Empire.
  220. The Manhattan Project 2: Minutes to Midnight (expansion).
  221. Manila.
  222. Manitou.
  223. Master Labyrinth.
  224. Master of Respect.
  225. Mastermind and travel size.
  226. Masters of Venice.
  227. Max (children’s game).
  228. Maya.
  229. Members Only.
  230. Merchants of Amsterdam.
  231. Metro.
  232. Mille Bornes.
  233. Mint Delivery.
  234. Mint Works.
  235. Mmm … Brains! (children’s game).
  236. Mole Hill.
  237. Motley Fool’s Buy Low Sell High (variant of Palmyra).
  238. Mountain Goats.
  239. Mouse Trap (children’s game).
  240. Municipium.
  241. My First Carcassonne (children’s game).
  242. My First Stone Age (children’s game).
  243. Nautilus.
  244. Navegador.
  245. Nētā-Tanka: Deluxe Edition.
  246. Neue Spiele im alten Rom.
  247. New York Slice (reimplements Piece o’ Cake).
  248. No Dice.
  249. Noah’s Ark (children’s game).
  250. Norenberc with Bonus Townsmen Essen 2010.
  251. Now Boarding.
  252. Nuba.
  253. O Zoo le Mio.
  254. Oasis.
  255. Odin’s Ravens.
  256. Ohio.
  257. Olix.
  258. Orléans.
  259. Pacal.
  260. Paladins of the West Kingdom.
  261. Palmyra (original of Motley Fool’s Buy Low Sell High).
  262. Passing Through Petra.
  263. Pipeline.
  264. Pirat (Loot).
  265. Pirateer.
  266. Pirates of the Spanish Main.
  267. Pisa.
  268. Pit.
  269. Plateau.
  270. Poison (Thirteen).
  271. Power Grid: The First Sparks.
  272. Power Soccer.
  273. Praga Caput Regni.
  274. Prehistory.
  275. Priceless.
  276. Priests of Ra.
  277. Prisma.
  278. The Pursuit of Happiness.
  279. Pyramido.
  280. Pyraos (Pylos).
  281. PÜNCT.
  282. Quarantine.
  283. Quarto.
  284. The Quest for El Dorado.
  285. Quo Vadis.
  286. Raj.
  287. Railroad Dice: Deutschland.
  288. Railroad Dice: The First Rails, second edition.
  289. Rat-a-Tat Cat (children’s game).
  290. Realm Coins.
  291. Rebis.
  292. Reef Encounter.
  293. Reiner Knizia’s Kubla’s Gambol.
  294. Res Publica.
  295. Revolution (Atlanteon).
  296. Reykholt.
  297. Rheinländer.
  298. Richelieu.
  299. Rio de la Plata.
  300. Risk, 40th Anniversary Collector’s Edition.
  301. Rook (Winning Moves Deluxe Rook).
  302. Room 25.
  303. Rumis.
  304. Sagaland (Enchanted Forest) (children’s game).
  305. Samara and Samara Expansion 1.
  306. Scarab Lords.
  307. Schoko & Co.
  308. Scrabble.
  309. Seeland.
  310. Seismic.
  311. Sequoia.
  312. Settlers of Catan.
  313. Settlers of Catan: 3-D Special Edition.
  314. Shark.
  315. Shipwrecked.
  316. Sky Runner.
  317. Slamwich (children’s game).
  318. Sokrates.
  319. Solar 175.
  320. Space Alert.
  321. Space Dealer (condensed rules).
  322. Space Lunch.
  323. Spy Alley.
  324. Spyfall (party game).
  325. Square Dance.
  326. Stack.
  327. Start Player.
  328. Steam Time.
  329. Stephenson’s Rocket.
  330. Stockpile.
  331. Stone Soup (children’s game).
  332. Stratego, travel size.
  333. Submarine.
  334. Sucking Vacuum.
  335. Säulen der Erde, Die (Pillars of the Earth).
  336. Space Walk (children’s game).
  337. Streetcar (Linie 1).
  338. Strozzi.
  339. Tabula Rasa (Knights of Charlemagne).
  340. Tal der Abenteuer: Die Schatzsuche in Himalaja (Valley of Adventure: Treasure Hunt in Himalaya).
  341. Tammany Hall.
  342. TAMSK.
  343. Targui, Limited Collector’s Edition, #7372 of 10,000.
  344. Temporum.
  345. Terrace.
  346. Terrace 6x6.
  347. That’s It! (party game).
  348. This War of Mine.
  349. Ticket to Ride.
  350. Tikal.
  351. Times Square (Auf der Reeperbahn nachts um halb Zwei).
  352. Tinners’ Trail, #491 of 1500.
  353. Titan: The Arena (Colossal Arena).
  354. Tokaido.
  355. Tokyo Metro.
  356. Too Many Cooks.
  357. Tor.
  358. Torres.
  359. Tower of Babel.
  360. Traders of Genoa (Die Händler von Genua).
  361. Trajan.
  362. Traumfabrik (Dream Factory).
  363. Trendy.
  364. Trias.
  365. Tricks.
  366. Trumpet.
  367. Turf Horse Racing (Winner’s Circle).
  368. Twilight.
  369. Twilight Struggle.
  370. Twins.
  371. Two Rooms and a Boom (party game).
  372. Ultimate Backgammon.
  373. Ultimate Stratego.
  374. Unexpected Treasures.
  375. Uno Dice.
  376. Uno: Star Trek.
  377. Untergang von Pompeji, Der (The Downfall of Pompei).
  378. Utopia.
  379. Vampire.
  380. Vegas.
  381. Vendetta.
  382. Venus Needs Men!
  383. Vier Verliert.
  384. Vinhos.
  385. Viral.
  386. The Voyages of Marco Polo.
  387. War on Terror.
  388. Waterworks.
  389. Wavelength (party game).
  390. Welcome To…
  391. Wheedle.
  392. Who Stole Ed’s Pants?
  393. Wildlife.
  394. Wok Star.
  395. The Wolves.
  396. Yahtzee, travel size.
  397. YINSH.
  398. Zero.
  399. ZÈRTZ.
  400. Zirkus Flohcati.
  401. Zooloretto.

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© Copyright 2005 by Eric Postpischil.